What Does ‘Impressive’ Mean to You?

I think Lego sets are impressive!

Let’s find out what ‘impressive’ means to Biggest Classroom students!

I think it’s impressive how much I read!






I think this is an impressive mud puddle because it’s HUGE!
I think my writing is impressive!
I think it’s impressive how much snow we have right now in Colorado!




I would describe “impressive” as where you see something, and it leaves you thinking, “Wow. That is so cool, I definitely can’t do that.” or “Wow. I wish I could do that, I want to learn how to do that.”


I think it’s impressive that we have oranges growing on a tree in our backyard right now in California!


I think it’s impressive how a plant grows from a seed.
I think it’s impressive how seedlings turn into big plants in just a few days!



I think it’s impressive how my cat, Imelda, tucks me in every night!
I think it’s impressive that you can’t see the ground yet in the Colorado forest– just snow!



I think this gorgeous flowering shrub that is blooming outside right now in California is impressive!



I think these itty bitty, fuzzy wuzzy 2-day-old baby chicks are impressive!

Thank you to everyone who submitted responses to this week’s Launch Challenge! You have helped illustrate the meaning of ‘impressive’!

Visit www.biggestclassroom.com/gems every Monday to participate in a new Launch Challenge opportunity!



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