Math and science tutoring for all ages with a K – 12 certified teacher!
Help your child succeed and maintain a solid understanding in math and science by enrolling in tutoring with Ms. Kim!
As schools move to online formats with the COVID-19 pandemic, your child may find that he or she begins to feel confused, frustrated or insecure, especially in math. My years of math and science teaching experience in grades K – 12 allow me to rapidly determine where students’ gaps and misconceptions are. I am very good at helping students make sense of topics using visual representations and hands-on manipulatives as much as possible so students see the concepts for themselves and truly understand. I am an expert at keeping it fun while helping students make significant gains.
Don’t wait for frustration and tears! In my experience, students especially in the middle and high school grade levels will be far more successful particularly in math if they know they have a consistent way to get the help they need when they need it. Consider enrolling in tutoring now to proactively give your child the math/ science support and consistency he or she deserves.
I am currently booking 30-minutes ($30) or 1 hour ($45) tutoring Zoom sessions! Individual or small group sessions (with appropriate peer levels) also available, which allows families to split the cost and make tutoring more fun socially and less intimidating.
Math Tutoring Subjects available:
- Elementary Math
- Middle School Math
- Pre-algebra
- Algebra I
- Algebra II
- Geometry
- Pre-calculus
- Calculus I
- AP Calculus I
Science Tutoring Subjects available:
- Elementary science
- Middle school science (life, earth & physical)
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Physics
Request a tutoring session now!
Individual Science Fair Help Session
Spare your child from the stress of science fair!
The goal of Science Fair is to help kids experience the delight of being a scientist. Kids get to come up with an interesting idea, think and learn more about it, then see what happens when they change things about it. The best part is exploring wherever their ideas and test results take them!
Making this a reality can be a challenge. It is imperative that you:
- help your child choose an exciting topic
- get an early start (we’re talking weeks at minimum, months if possible)
- involve as many appropriately challenging and awesome elements as possible!
I love helping kids with all of this! With the Biggest Classroom as your child’s resource, he/she will have access to a certified K-12 math and science teacher plus use of super cool tools including balances and microscopes, beakers and circuits!
If your child would like help with any phase of his/her science fair project beyond what time allows for within other Friday sessions, please reserve an individual session so we can keep the fun in Science Fair.
Please note that I can not guarantee your child will place or win their school’s Science Fair contest, but I can guarantee you that he/she will have fun doing science and will be proud of what he/she accomplishes!
When: M-W after school or designated Individual Help Fridays.
Cost: $45/ hour, 1 hour minimum.
Sign up now so your child can experience true science fair fun!
Play-Based Math Enrichment
Play-based Math Enrichment is a fun, individualized support for learners of all ages. Provided in a one-on-one setting, this type of enrichment will help the individual child create a rock-solid mathematical foundation for all of his/her future math knowledge. Play-based Math Enrichment is intended for all types of learners, and will benefit children who need to be challenged just as much as it will benefit children who need help making sense of mathematical concepts.
Cost: $30 per half-hour session or $45 per hour session
To request more information or sign up, click here.
Math Tutoring: All Ages
Math Tutoring provides direct, one-on-one help from Ms. Kim. These individualized sessions will typically be based on work the student brings that he/she needs help understanding. Parents and students can also request that tutoring topics be provided by Ms. Kim to help prepare students for their mathematical and/ or testing goals (including the PSAT, SAT and ACT). Lessons provided by Ms. Kim will be appropriate next steps based on the student’s current mathematical strengths and weaknesses, grade-level standards and most recent testing data (optional, provided by parent).
My own experience as a math student and eventually math teacher taught me that I needed to learn math different ways and try solving interesting problems using my own strategies. Then, I might have find out the coolest thing about math– that as long as you don’t break any math rules, whatever way you attempt to solve a math question will work out in the end! There are endless ways to solve every math question, and so often, kids NEED to explore their own way. My goal with math tutoring is to help students find their confidence, retain their enjoyment of math and develop the thinking and problem-solving skills that will help them be successful in math.
Who is Ms. Kim, the Math Teacher?
Cost: $30 per half-hour session or $45 per hour session
Level: Elementary Math through AP Calculus.
To request more information or sign up, click here.
Piano Lessons
Learning to play the piano is a fantastic, visual start to learning and understanding music. The piano keyboard creates a visual element to link music theory concepts with. The piano is also a very forgiving instrument to learn to play music with, since the notes are played by keys that can be pressed correctly by even the littlest of hands. Piano students in The Biggest Classroom will learn music theory through an unprecedented new approach that helps them enjoy the fun of music first, investigate the various nuances created by manipulating notes and the way music is written(music theory) second.
I began playing piano at age 5, then started playing violin and composing my own music at age 9. I was trained in piano, composition and violin, and was an active member of the Albuquerque Youth Symphony throughout high school. I went on to attempt a double major including music and my passion for math, science and teaching, but time and financial constraints made it impossible for me to pursue a career in music at that time. I am delighted to have come full circle musically and be at a point in my life now where I can enjoy teaching piano, music and even composition to students!
What’s really fun is getting to work in a little bit of math as well! 🙂
Cost: $30 per half-hour lesson or $45 per hour lesson